Видеоуроки по Cubase SX3Обучающий DVD по Cubase SX3. Список уроков ниже, на англ. Сам еще не смотрел, но по идее интересно. Весит ~3.5 Gb Скачать Видеоуроки по Cubase SX3 upload.com.ua rapidshare.com filefactory.com Часть 21 и 22 PS: Рапида постоянно удаляет 21 и 22 части (не понятно почему), поэтому залил их на filefactory! Описание на инглише (переводить впадлу=)): Learn Cubase SX3 in this comprehensive, informative and professional video tutorial. Learn everything from basic setup and tools to audio and MIDI recording, editing and mixing. This video tutorial is a must for every Cubase user, whether you are just starting out or a seasoned pro. It’s the next best thing to having the expert right there beside you. # 80 Videos # 8+ hours of instructional video # Highest quality ever seen in tutorial videos # Easy to use interface # Host JoAnn Mailloux introduces every video adding a personal touch not seen in other 'tech' tutorials. # Great for users of Cubase LE, Cubase SE, Cubase SL, Cubase SX and Nuendo. # Mac OSX, PC 98, ME, 2000, XP compatible # Requires computer with DVDRom Drive Level 1 Content: 28 High Quality Videos - Audio & MIDI Setup, New Project, Tracks and Transport, Customizing, The Project Page, Tools 1, Tools 2, VST Connections, Recording Audio 1, Recording Audio 2, The Pool 1, The Pool 2, The Pool 3, The Pool 4, Looping, Snap, MIDI Recording, Audio Editing 1, Audio Editing 2, MIDI Editing, Play Order Tracks, The Mixer 1, The Mixer 2, Key Commands and Macros, Important Preferences, Workspaces, Managing Audio 1, Managing Audio 2. Level 2 Content: 26 High Quality Videos - Advanced Audio Editing, Fades and Crossfades, Sample Editor vs the Part Editor, Effect Channels, Group Channels, Advanced Mixing 1, Advanced Mixing 2, Advanced Mixing 3, Automation 1, Automation 2, Inspector 1, Inspector 2, Key Editor 1, Key Editor 2, Key Editor 3, Edit in Place, Advanced folder tracks, Advanced Marker Tracks, Drum Editor 1, Drum Editor 2, Drum Editor 3, Score Editor 1, Score Editor 2, Score Editor 3, Punch in Punch out, Video. Level 3 Content: 26 High Quality Videos - Advanced Part Editor, Advanced Scoring 1, Advanced Scoring 2, Advanced Scoring 3, Audio Processing 1, Audio Processing 2, Audio Warp, Beat Calculator, External Effects, Freeze, Import Export 1, Import Export 2, MIDI Devices 1, MIDI Devices 2, MIDI devices 3, MIDI Effects, MIDI Functions, Offline Processing, Rewire, Surround Sound 1, Surround Sound 2, Tempo Track, The Project Browser, Time Warp, Vocal Comping and Lanes, VST System Link. System Compatibility: PC: Windows XP Home and Professional, Intel Pentium or AMD Athlon 800 MHz or faster, 256 MB RAM. Windows MME & DirectSound. MAC: OS X Version 10.2 or higher, Power Mac G4 867 MHz, 256 MB RAM, Sound Card. This product includes QuickTime 6.x Mac/PC which is required for video playback. Video Examples: You need QuickTime to view these files. Click Here to download QuickTime. * Audio Editing example video - Cubase SX3 Tutorial DVD * Manage Audio example video - Cubase SX3 Tutorial DVD * Mixer example video - Cubase SX3 Tutorial DVD * Recording Audio example video - Cubase SX3 Tutorial DVD Если будут ошибки в ссылках, пишите в комментах, исправлю! |